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Kanjar: Name Meaning of Kanjar in Indonesian for Baby Boy Names

What does Kanjar mean, the following is an explanation of Kanjar meaning.

Kanjar Name Meaning

* This is a boy name.
* Name start with K letter.
* Name characters: 6 letters.
* Meaning of Kanjar name: name meaning large double-edged dagger.
* Kanjar name origin from Indonesian.


Kanjar as a given name is unusual in that it is not referenced in the list of names from any group of names including Arabic, African, Indian, European, or American Indian. Although it sounds similar to some Arabic names such as Kamal, there were no records of the name Kanjar among other traditional Arabic names. The name has a masculine feel, however, since it is not a traditional name in any language it could certainly be used for a girl or a boy.

Kanjar Ro is the name of a DC Comics Supervillain. He is the Dictator of the planet Dhor in the Antares System. Kanjar Ro is a frequent nemesis of the Justice League and has made several attempts to conquer Earth. He is normally depicted as a large, muscular, bipedal male figure. He has purple skin and luminous green eyes. He is aggressive, cunning, and an excellent strategist. He also has a sister named Kanjar Ru. (Kanjar Ro, n.d.)

An analysis of the name Kanjarwas found in Kabbalah and Numerology texts shows that people with this name can appear confident, but actually be very unsure of themselves. It is also associated with a desire to please, which can be a benefit in certain occupations such as sales. (The Name Kanjar, 2016)

In India the name Kanj means “Lord Brahma.” However, the word Kanjar also has other associations which are less desirable. There is a sect of people living in the jungles of Northern India known as the Kanjar. They were driven to wander in the jungle to avoid being persecuted by the Mughal and continued to be persecuted throughout the Colonial Period. (Kanjar, 2015)

Currently, the word Kanjar is a slang term in India and Pakistan for a pimp. This could be attributed to the fact that one sect of people in urban areas of Pakistan are called Kanjar and are associated with prostitution.

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