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Elise: Name Meaning of Elise in German for Baby Girl Names

What does Elise mean, the following is an explanation of Elise meaning.

Elise Name Meaning

* This is a girl name.
* Name start with E letter.
* Name characters: 5 letters.
* Meaning of Elise name: (another name for elisabeth) god as sumpahya .
* Elise name origin from German.


Elise is a feminine name with Hebrew and biblical origins. Historically, the name Elise was adapted from the Hebrew word, Elisheba, which directly translates to “God is satisfaction” or “God is my oath”.It is also believed to be a French spin on the original name, Elizabeth. In the French language, Elise directly translates to “consecrated to God” and is pronounced with an emphasis of a “Z” sound that is lengthened.

Elise is also known to be a contraction of the name, Elizabeth, from Dutch, English, French, German and Scandinavian origins. The name is also a German variant of the name, Alice.

Historically, the name has been known to exist since the Middle Ages. The first famous bearer of this name was Elizabeth who was highlighted in the Old Testament. Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist, wife of the priest Zacharias and the cousin of Mary, known as the mother of Jesus Christ.

The name gained popularity after the 13th and 14th century saints who were named Elizabeth of Hungary and Elizabeth of Portugal. Parents named their female children after saints as a protective measure during the medieval times, as they thought that the name would bestow blessing onto their children.

The name Elise is gaining popularity particularly in America because of it’s French flair, ranked as the top 116 female baby name in 2014. It is also a commonly heard name in France and English nations.

Famous songs inspired by the name include “Für Elise” by Beethoven and “Letter to Elise” by The Cure.

Popular spins on the name Elise include: Elisa, Eli, Elli, Elly, Ella, Elsa, Els, Else, Ilsa, Ilse, Lis, Lise, Liss, Liesa, Liese, Liesel, Lilli, Lili, Lisette, Lilias, Eli, Eliska, Ella, Lilly, Lilliana, Lilianne, Lisa, Liza, Lissi, Lisbet, Lisbeth, Lissi, Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Isabel, Isabelle, Isabela, Isabella and Sabela.

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