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Sike: Name Meaning of Sike in Indian for Baby Boy Names

What does Sike mean, the following is an explanation of Sike meaning.

Sike Name Meaning

* This is a boy name.
* Name start with S letter.
* Name characters: 4 letters.
* Meaning of Sike name: he sits at home ( navajo ).
* Sike name origin from Indian.


One of the most difficult parts of having a baby (initially anyway) is deciding on a suitable name. There is such as vast choice of baby names, that it can often be difficult to pin point the one which will best suit your baby and the type of person you want them to be. One beautiful baby name which originates from America is ‘Sike.’ The Sike meaning is ‘he sits at home.’ Sike is the name for a boy and if you decide to name your baby, you can expect them to have some of the following traits and characteristics.


Although the Sike meaning is ‘he sits at home’, the personality tends to be the complete contrast of this. Those who are named Sike, tend to be full of adventure and love to travel. They are independent and free-spirited. If you want a child who will follow tradition, you won’t get this with a baby named Sike and you certainly won’t have an adult who will want to sit at home!

Business Minded

Boys named Sike often grow up to be entrepreneurs and are very business minded. They love nothing more than achieving their goals and are focused and disciplined to earn money and be successful. High climbers, with a lot of self-discipline, Sike is definitely a name for a child who will do well in their lives, although a downside to this is that they may not spend as much time focusing on their private lives, as they do with their working life.

Love Life

Those named Sike tend to get everything they can out of life and their positivity and energy tends to get them everything they want out their life. They live their lives to the full and love being spontaneous. There will never be a dull moment if you have Sike in your life!

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