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Julian: Name Meaning of Julian in French for Baby Boy Names

What does Julian mean, the following is an explanation of Julian meaning.

Julian Name Meaning

* This is a boy name.
* Name start with J letter.
* Name characters: 6 letters.
* Meaning of Julian name: young.
* Julian name origin from French.


According to Campbell (2016), Julian is a masculine name which was derived from the name Julius from lulianus a Roman name. Julian the Apostate was the name of the formerly pagan Roman emperor in the 4th century. The Julian name was later borne by several other first saints inclusive of Saint Julian the legendary Hospitaller. The Julian name has long been used in England during the medieval period. During this time, the Julian was a feminine name commonly referred to as Juliana.

The Baby Name Wizard (2015) reveals that the Julian name is derived from Julius from the Latin Julianus. It was an old family name from the Romans which was believed to have been derived from word lulus. The name lulus meant the downy-bearded, the first down on the chin. The latter concept implies that an individual has only begun to grow facial hair and was therefore considered to be young. This, therefore, confirms why youth became an accepted meaning for the name Julian.

Sheknows.com establishes that Julian is a masculine name. The various meaning of the name Julian is provided. The Greek, American, and French use the Julian name to baby boys to mean “youthful.” The Julian name in Spanish means a “youth.” The Latin and English, however, the meaning of the Julian name is “Jove’s child”. The Julian name is a family clan name and a form of Julius used for several famous Roman Emperors. The Latin meaning indicates that the Julian name was used for both genders although it is currently used in the masculine gender.

In conclusion, Julian name was originally used for both the male and female genders. The name is established to have been originally derived from the Romans. The Julian name was borne by several powerful Roman Saints including the Saint Julian the Hospitaller, Julius Caesars among others. The meaning of the Julian name is typically used to mean “youthful” or “young” by the Greek, American, French, Latin, and English. Julian name is currently used for the masculine gender.

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