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Hannibal: Name Meaning of Hannibal in Historical for Baby Boy Names

What does Hannibal mean, the following is an explanation of Hannibal meaning.

Hannibal Name Meaning

* This is a boy name.
* Name start with H letter.
* Name characters: 8 letters.
* Meaning of Hannibal name: carthaginian general hannibal the name of barca, who led the armies of spain and to the italian alpine passes to attack the roman name is a combination of hann (graceful) + the name of the god baal ‘king’ is also famous by the character of a sadistic killer hannibal lecter, created by thomas harris red dragon in the novel (1981) and its sequel silence of the lambs (1988) and hannibal (1999).
* Hannibal name origin from Historical.

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