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Samantha: Name Meaning of Samantha in Christian for Baby Girl Names

What does Samantha mean, the following is an explanation of Samantha meaning.

Samantha Name Meaning

* This is a girl name.
* Name start with S letter.
* Name characters: 8 letters.
* Meaning of Samantha name: listen.
* Samantha name origin from Christian.



The name Samantha means ‘the Listener’; a person who listens well to any message from God. The meaning of Samantha is commonly associated with femininity by people from different origins including Aramaic, Hebrew, American and Italian among others. Many people with the name Samantha usually have a profound inner desire to express themselves through artistic things like singing, acting, writing or even public speaking.

The meaning of Samantha is thought to be derived from the famous male name, Samuel. The name Samantha was first used in the 19th Century as a name for baby girls in the United States of America, USA.The first part of the name Samantha ‘Sam’ was derived from the name Samuel which was made a female name by adding the Greek suffix ‘Antha’ which refers to a flower. Since a flower is commonly associated with femininity, the name Samantha is often used as a name for female children.

People with the name Samantha are commonly known to make good use of freedom and are easily excited by change and adventure. They also tend to be rebellious, optimistic, energetic, friendly and dynamic. Girls who carry the name Samantha commonly have nicknames such as Mantha, Ammy, Sammy, Sammie and Sam.

Many people usually misspell the name Samantha by writing it as Samanatha, Samatha and Sammantha. Since the meaning of Samantha was derived from the popular name, there are several English speaking countries all over the world using the name Samantha. Many people have faith in the name Samantha and believe that by naming their children Samantha, its meaning will reflect on the personality of the child.

Anyone who plans to name their children Samantha should do a background check on the origin of the meaning of Samantha before picking the name because many countries have different meanings for the name Samantha, depending on their belief on the origin of the name.

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