Elanour: Name Meaning of Elanour in English for Baby Girl Names

What does Elanour mean, the following is an explanation of Elanour meaning. Elanour Name Meaning* This is a girl name.* Name start with E letter.* Name characters: 7 letters.* Meaning of Elanour name: shining brightly .* Elanour name origin from...

Osiris: Name Meaning of Osiris in Egyptian for Baby Boy Names

What does Osiris mean, the following is an explanation of Osiris meaning. Osiris Name Meaning* This is a boy name.* Name start with O letter.* Name characters: 6 letters.* Meaning of Osiris name: myth name ( god of death ).* Osiris name origin from...

Khezar: Name Meaning of Khezar in Christian for Baby Boy Names

What does Khezar mean, the following is an explanation of Khezar meaning. Khezar Name Meaning* This is a boy name.* Name start with K letter.* Name characters: 6 letters.* Meaning of Khezar name: cassia tree.* Khezar name origin from...

Salome: Name Meaning of Salome in Characteristic for Baby Girl Names

What does Salome mean, the following is an explanation of Salome meaning. Salome Name Meaning* This is a girl name.* Name start with S letter.* Name characters: 6 letters.* Meaning of Salome name: interesting and attention easily guess the feelings...

Pert: Name Meaning of Pert in Celtic for Baby Boy Names

What does Pert mean, the following is an explanation of Pert meaning. Pert Name Meaning* This is a boy name.* Name start with P letter.* Name characters: 4 letters.* Meaning of Pert name: of bramble.* Pert name origin from...

Arawn: Name Meaning of Arawn in Celtic for Baby Boy Names

What does Arawn mean, the following is an explanation of Arawn meaning. Arawn Name Meaning* This is a boy name.* Name start with A letter.* Name characters: 5 letters.* Meaning of Arawn name: myth name ( king of the underworld ).* Arawn name origin...

Muslichah: Name Meaning of Muslichah in Arabic Islamic Muslim for Baby Girl Names

What does Muslichah mean, the following is an explanation of Muslichah meaning. Muslichah Name Meaning* This is a girl name.* Name start with M letter.* Name characters: 9 letters.* Meaning of Muslichah name: other names of muslih ( the repair ,...

Fakhruddin: Name Meaning of Fakhruddin in Arabic Islamic Muslim for Baby Boy Names

What does Fakhruddin mean, the following is an explanation of Fakhruddin meaning. Fakhruddin Name Meaning* This is a boy name.* Name start with F letter.* Name characters: 10 letters.* Meaning of Fakhruddin name: religious pride.* Fakhruddin name...

Khuzaimah: Name Meaning of Khuzaimah in Arabic Islamic Muslim for Baby Girl Names

What does Khuzaimah mean, the following is an explanation of Khuzaimah meaning. Khuzaimah Name Meaning* This is a girl name.* Name start with K letter.* Name characters: 9 letters.* Meaning of Khuzaimah name: curb.* Khuzaimah name origin from Arabic...

Razan: Name Meaning of Razan in Arabic French for Baby Boy Names

What does Razan mean, the following is an explanation of Razan meaning. Razan Name Meaning* This is a boy name.* Name start with R letter.* Name characters: 5 letters.* Meaning of Razan name: quiet.* Razan name origin from Arabic...

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